Retha is a practicing advocate, with a keen interest in Public, International, Administrative, Constitutional, Customary Commercial and Immigration Law.
She however has an established practice covering various spheres of the law, including but not limited to – general litigation, defamation law, family law, labour law, medical negligence law, procurement law, intellectual property law and competition law.
She also has experience in niche practices areas such as gambling and entertainment law, and regularly attends to mediations and arbitrations.
Besides law, Retha is an avid writer of both political and poetic pieces and considers herself to be an activist for equality.
Retha has given various opinions to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and one of the most recent noteworthy matters that Retha appeared in was a Constitutional Court challenge to the Legal Practice Act, and the constitutionality of section 24(2)b thereof in terms of which only citizens and permanent residents can be admitted as practising legal practitioners.